August 29, 2023
By Thomas Allen
TH Marine G-Force Troll Jacket
Description and Application: The G-Force Troll Jacket is a 2mm neoprene trolling motor wire and cable organizer. It measures 60 inches long and includes a hook and loop closure. While wrapped, the diameter is about 1 1/2 inches. For maximum compatibility with your setup, you can cut and trim the sides where your cables need to come out. This eliminates the need for zip ties along the factory cable cover. It also helps you bundle and organize adjacent wires, like those for your depth finder and HydroWave. Velcro seals everything up nice and easy.
Staff Perspective: With today’s increasing demand for extensive connections to top-shelf electronics and information, you need to keep all those cables organized. The TH Marine Troll Jacket is a solution to that problem and keeps your cable bundle confined, and neat. This is a simple innovation to make your life easier, and it’s a very affordable addition to your boat’s growing bundle of cables. It takes 5 minutes to install.
Cost: $44.99
TH Marine G-Force Troll Jacket