33lb 8oz Beast of a Common Carp caught and released!
January 14, 2013
Brian Wingard
Hollsopple Pennsylvania
I have been carp fishing for around 7 years now and I have always fished for all species of fish. After beginning carp fishing I soon realized they were the most under rated fish in the water. My smallest carp on any given day will be larger than my biggest bass and the fight is intense. After doing a few days of fishing and baiting up with CC Moore boilies I had a heavy rain and had to leave early. I came back the next morning not expecting any fish still holding over from the night before. I got set up and casted out my rods and kept finish my setup. About 30 minutes into it I had a small very slow run and I lifted on the rod and felt a very large fish on the end of it. After playing it for around 20 minutes it graced the net and he official weight was 33lbs 8oz. After taking a few photos and catching my breathe I released the fish back into the water to be caught again another day.
Species: Carp (Common or Grass)
Date Caught: 11/28/2012
Kept / Released: Released
Region of Catch: Region 1
Length: 36 1/2 inches
Weight: 33
Lure / Bait used: Bait | CC Moore Boilies used with a hair rig