January 07, 2025
By In-Fisherman Staff
Staying powered up has never been easier thanks to the lithium battery revolution. Leading the way is X2Power. X2's very own Shawn Budiac joins us and talks with Minnesota pro bass angler and guide Josh Douglas. The goal is to simplify your battery needs and keep you on the water longer.
Truncated transcript:
00:00:05.340 --> 00:00:35.100: You are listening to In Fisherman Storyline, North America's Top Voice in Multi-Species Freshwater angling. Here is your host, Thomas Allen. Hey, welcome to In-Fisherman Storyline. We got a fun discussion today, in fact, one that I've been having at gas stations a lot lately, and I wanted to really dig into power and we, we, we've brought in a couple experts today.
00:00:35.100 --> 00:01:01.170: And before we get to that, just want to thank you for being a part of this. This is a, a new endeavor here at In Fisherman and this is gonna be, I'm kind of waffling on the name here. I've been calling this bucket the front Porch edition of In Fisherman Storyline, but I kind of woke up in the middle of the night last night in a cold sweat and decided, I think I like on the water a little bit better, but I don't know yet because this discussion is not gonna take place on the water.
00:01:01.170 --> 00:01:27.540: We're talking about rigging, we're talking about battery power, I really don't know, but, but as we work through the early days of this podcast, we're gonna continue to change things up. So stay patient with me. We got a couple cool guests here. I'm in the studio with a long, longtime friend of mine. He used to fish the Elite series, decided guiding was a better gig for him. And I, I can't disagree. I know he catches big fish everywhere he goes. But good friend Josh Douglas lives over by Mille Lacs. Thanks for being here.
00:01:27.540 --> 00:01:34.320: Yeah, awesome to be here. Just a Minnesota native to be here in In-Fisherman headquarters, man, this is, this is a treat.
00:01:34.320 --> 00:01:47.520: Well, it's not too often we get a hot shot celebrity in studio. I dunno. I don't, I dunno. But yeah, no, it's, it's awesome. You know, pulling in, seeing the In Fisherman sign and … A lot of history. Yeah, a ton for me.
00:01:47.520 --> 00:01:56.085: You know, this is, like I said, if the kid in me saw where I was now, I already won the battle. So, yeah, I, it's just awesome to be here.
00:01:56.085 --> 00:02:17.490: Thanks for having me. I'm happy you're here. And I echo those sentiments, but the real hot shot is on the phone. He's joining us remotely. Is Shawn Budiac, he's the VP of category management. Or am I even saying that right? Yep. Sean, I'm sure I got that all wrong, but X2 power. This, this is cool. Listen, there are a lot of great battery options out there and I think it's often difficult to find the right person to ask questions to.
00:02:22.440 --> 00:02:43.380: I have questions, there's still things I'm learning, but Sean is elbow deep in lithium battery power all the time right now and, and making sure boats are rigged. Josh's boat is rigged with X2 power. Our and fishermen boats here are powered by X2 power and my personal boat is rigged with X2 power. So it, we, it's reliable, I can assure you. It's reliable.
00:02:43.380 --> 00:02:56.340: They look good too. I think the colors are great. Branding strong. You guys did good on X side. I never thought about this other, but yeah. Took a lot of time to get the whole color thing going. Yeah. Well thanks for being here, Shawn. We're, we're gonna dig right in.
00:02:56.340 --> 00:03:18.970: Let's, let's talk a little bit about where you guys are at. So, X2 Power is a part of the Batteries Plus brand. That's something that I think most of us are familiar with. So it's handy for guys that are on the road that are traveling to fish tournaments or there, there's a batteries plus close to you most places across the country. But tell us a little bit about yourself and how you got into the wide world of lithium and boat power.
00:03:20.320 --> 00:03:52.660: Sure. So myself, you know, in terms of working through, in this product line and, and kinda in this industry, July mark 18 years with Batteries Plus, you know, as you said, this is a product line that has been born and raised with Batteries Plus, but we've done a lot of effort to celebrate it outside the actual doors, you know, of our stores and really connect with the anglers, connect with the outdoorsmen who are looking for, you know, not only a retailer that they trust, but a product brand that they trust day in and day out…
Click here to listen to the entire In-Fisherman Storyline Podcast.