January 31, 2017
By Mud Hole Staff
Whether installing or replacing a tip top guide, it is the easiest aspect of rod building if you follow the 3 simple steps below.
Tip Top Installation and Replacement If prepped and mounted correctly, tip top guides are incredibly easy to install or replace on your rod blank.
When ordering or replacing a tip top, make sure you have the right measurements. First, you need the ring size, which is measured in millimeters. The ring size is determined by the OD, or outside diameter of the ring itself.
Since it is the same measurement, you can also utilize the inside diameter of the tip top's metal frame that holds the ring in place.
The next measurement is the tube size. Measured in fractions represented as 64ths of an inch, the tube size can be identified by either the inside diameter of the tip top's tube, or the outside diameter of the blank's tip. For example, common tube sizes range from 3.5 to 12, but remember this really means they range from 3.5/64ths to 12/64ths of an inch.
3 Simple Steps to Install Tip Top Install a new tip top guide with these 3 simple steps:
Step 1: Cut and Place Tip Top Adhesive First, cut a small sliver from a stick of tip top adhesive. Cut the sliver of adhesive so that it is small enough to slide inside the tube of the tip top.
Step 2: Heat the Tip Top Holding the tip top with some pliers, gently wave a lighter or candle under the tube. It should only take a few passes under the flame for the adhesive to melt within the tube.
Step 3: Install the Tip Top Then, slide the tip top over the tip of the blank and turn it 360 degrees to ensure the best adhesive bond.
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