Falls bounty
October 19, 2012
Mark Bystrom
Champlin Minnesota
After years of chasing my first 20" plus smallie I finally did it. I can't tell you the number of 19-19 7/8 smallies I have caught over the years. Breaking the 20" mark is not easy. It was a beautiful fall day & I was set to leave for my son's youth deer gun opener the following day. The forecast called for all day rain say we decided to wait another day. With a bit of free time I decided to hit a local river (the Rum) as I had heard the bite was good. I was not let down. The fish were stacked in the wood and eagerly attacked a well placed sucker minnow. Fish after fish came in the boat, all of them fat & healthy. When the big girl hit & I first got a glimpse of her broad body I knew instantly that this was the ONE! She fought tough, but after a minute or so succomed to the net. She taped out at 20.25 inches & 4.85 lbs. A trophy in every dimension. Next its off for the even more elusive 6 lb Largemouth....
Species: Smallmouth Bass
Date Caught: 10/17/2012
Kept / Released: Released
Region of Catch: Region 1
Length: 20.25
Weight: 4
Lure / Bait used: Bait | Sucker Minnow