Species: Striped Bass
Date Caught: 07/31/2011
Kept / Released: Released
Region of Catch: Region 2
Length: 42"
Weight: 36
Lure / Bait used: Lure | metalic lime / size 8 Spin N Glo / nightcrawler
We launched at Tucker Hollow early Sunday morning and had a great day of walleye fishing. We started the day out on the flat at the mouth of Bear Creek with a nice 19"er. We caught a few more shorts there and up at the Bee Creek island on bottom bouncers with Spin N Glo's & nightcrawlers. About mid-morning we moved down to Allison flat. We were marking good fish just outside the brush line at 28'-30'. We caught a dozen or so more walleyes up to about 23" and a 36 pound striped bass on the same B/B crawler rig.
Witness to this catch is Bill Dennis (903)407-1399