This was the first oppertunity that I had to go fishing in six years....Due to health issues and then the finiancial drop in my life following, I had finally gotten my fishing licence once again..
Long past due and happy to have got them my oppertunity had arrived when my brother in law bought his boat and asked if I wanted to go fishing with him....He didn't have to ask twice, after squeezing pennies for the next week I had stashed away enough money for fuel to get to his house in Stockton and enough to buy a dozen shinners as well...I was hoping he could cover the rest.
We launched at Loch Loma Marina in San Rafel, it was good to see Keith again and to know he had plenty of live bait, we headed out from there to catch the high tide at Angel Island in San Francisco Bay....
My brother in law asked me where we were to fish, he haden't been halibut fishing before, and it had been six years since I had, I pointed to where I drifted years prior and told him, let's try there...thats where I had caught my first Halibut, and only one...
We positioned the boat and shut her down, lines in I shouted and away we went...We were getting close to shore about 30 minuites into the drift and BAM IT HIT!...WoW! I's a HOG!
10 Minuites later I had put it in the boat....Wow! I cant tell you the Joy I felt after the years of not being able to fish and hooking into this butt....Best of all my wife was going to be pleased since this is her faviorite fish...
When your wife enjoys the fish as much as you do....Makes it all the while worth it...
19.7 Lbs is what it weighed in at, I have a picture of the scale also it's on my camera phone and I need to figure out how to send it if needed...I appreciate IN Fishermans Program and the opertunity to share my story...Mean While...Fish On!
Alan Garren