Giant Largemouth Bass
July 31, 2013
Tom Warren
Ham Lake MN
I started fishing early morning. It was cloudy and rainy and I caught quite a few fish in shallow water, although most were small ones. Around noon the sun came out and the fishing got really tough. After fishing deeper water for hours without a bite, I returned to the same spot I had caught fish earlier. The shallow water was lily pads with plenty of submergent weeds underneath them to provide a nice canopy for big fish to sit under. Being the sun had come out I decided to switch from my frog to a Texas rigged Senko. This fish hit on my first pitch into a pocket. I didn't know it was that big at first but as soon as he cleared the weeds I knew I had a giant! The fish measured right at 20 inches and weighed exactly 5 pounds. I have caught a several 5 lb largemouth bass in my life but by far none looked as healthy as this fish did. After a few photos and measurements, I released this fish to live another day.
Species: Largemouth Bass
Date Caught: 07/23/2013
Kept / Released: Released
Region of Catch: Region 1
Length: 20
Weight: 5
Lure / Bait used: Lure | Watermelon Red Flake, 5" TX-rigged Big Bite Trick Stick (3/16 oz, 4/0 hook Trokar EWG)