Bill Lindner Photography
By In-Fisherman
Summer is a time of outdoor traditions. Whether bonding with family while hiking in the woods or reuniting with old friends on an annual fishing trip, there’s nothing better than spending time together in the great outdoors.
While catching a big fish can cap a great day, fishing is all about the experiences of sharing time on the water with others, relaxing, and discovering nature. It’s the moments that happen along the way that make for lasting memories, like the kids laughing as they bait their hooks, mom and dad preparing that perfect shore lunch, a son or daughter’s first cast or catch, and the many other moments you can never predict.
Today, it’s easier than ever to capture these memories to make them last a lifetime, and to share them with family and friends. Unless you’re a professional photographer, portable digital cameras and smartphones that produce high-resolution images have all but eliminated the need to haul a heavy camera bag along on your outing. What’s more is they allow for creative and quick editing for sharing via social media.
By keeping just a few tips in mind, the photos you capture are sure to bring lasting impressions for years to come.
Bill Linder Photography Change the POV Safely mount an action camera somewhere on the boat and let it record video or timed snapshots throughout the day. Sometimes that footage can yield a truly memorable moment or viral clip while most forget it’s even recording. Also pack a selfie stick for group shots, so one person isn’t stuck taking all the photos.
No Co-Stars Make you and your family the stars of your memorable outing. No matter the activity, there’s an OFF! ® repellent to keep pesky bugs at bay so you can focus on having a great time outdoors. OFF! ® Sportsmen Active is ideal as it provides hours of protection against mosquitoes, ticks, and biting flies. It’s sweat-resistant, too, making it great for outdoor activities like fishing, hiking, and running.
Highlight Reel Keep the focus on the family experience, but don’t overlook the moments that deserve capturing. From little Jim’s first cast or little Jane’s cannonball jump off the boat, these are the snapshots that belong in the collage. Capture as many as possible. Somewhere in there will be the shot that you’ll look back on for years to come.
Big Time In the event someone catches a lunker, have them hold the fish broadside to the camera. Fill the viewfinder with the lucky angler and the fish. Raise the fish to head level to create a more dramatic image. Remember, keep CPR (catch-photograph-release) in mind, especially for big fish.
Don’t get distracted and miss a moment while swatting away biting bugs. OFF! ® Sportsmen Active isn’t just bug protection, it’s tradition protection.