Hoping to get into the magazine with one of these monster channel cats I have been fortunate enough to tangle with here in the Rocky Mountains.Throughout the year I catch many channels that easily surpass 30", last year my largest cat was 36". However the fish of this entry was a mile-stone for me as this fish reached the 40" mark, and I believe this to be the second or at least in the top 3 channel cats I have ever landed here in CO.
This evening was typical of most cat outings: a small box of tackle; a few options of hooks (primarily Gamakatsu Octopus Circle), lead weights, beads, the 40 lb. mono cat rods, a chair, a Couple of Coors Banquets, and of course a fresh frozen bag of recently caught and chunked baitfish.
Rod bent over within about 15 minutes of fishing and this guy was the end result...no idea on the weight but as you can see from my face in the picture it was all I could do to hold him in front of the tri-pod to get some proof as like in most cases I had to be my own camera man. Lastly, like I do with all my big cats; catch-photo-release unharmed.
Species: Channel Catfish
Date Caught: 04/07/2013
Kept / Released: Released
Region of Catch: Region 3
Length: 40"
Lure / Bait used: Bait | Cut Sucker (White)