4 in a row!
January 10, 2013
Nic Goodson
Warthen Georgia
After a long, cold, windy day on the water with limited success, I located an odd channel junction near a cove. The channels met and then crisscrossed out into the main lake creating sharp depth changes from 8ft to 20ft. The crisscrossing created small "islands" with standing timber that looked like a fish convention on my sonar. To test the water, I began casting a Strike King 5XD crankbait through the area. On my second cast I saw a giant bass follow the lure up to the boat then dive back down into the depths. My third cast went straight into the timber and hung up for a second, on the release a train hit my lure. After a nice fight I hauled in a 24inch bass weighing in at 9.6lbs. Next cast, same scenario: timber and a lunker. Four casts in a row led to four nice bass weighing in at 22lbs. After getting a photo, I released the bass and gave them warm thanks for making my day.
Species: Largemouth Bass
Date Caught: 02/13/2012
Kept / Released: Released
Region of Catch: Region 2
Length: 24
Weight: 9.6
Lure / Bait used: Lure | 5XD Sexy Shad Crankbait