May 08, 2013
Jake Manning
Huber Heights Ohio
Me and my buddy were fishin this pond that was loaded with bass. We seen a few swimming around that we knew were over 5 lbs and knew it was just a matter of time before we were going to hook one. We had been fishing for an hour or so and both of us were catching a ton of fish but nothin much with size. I casted straight down the bank from me and after only a couple cranks it hammered the lure I was throwing. As soon as it hit I yelled to my buddy that I had a hog hooked. It swam straight towards me and took a few runs and on the last run I seen it was only hooked by the back hook on the outside of the mouth. I let the slack out on my reel so it wouldn't rip the hook out. After it took its last run I just eased it in til it got close enough to reach out and I grabbed it. I yelled to my friend that I thought it was a 10 pounder so we met half way around the pound weighed it and measured it quickly to get it back in the water. It weighed 9.2 lbs and measured at 24 1/4 inches. I didn't even think about measuring the girth because we were so jacked up on how big it was and wanted to get it back in the water ASAP, but you can tell from the picture it was pretty fat. It was the biggest bass either of us have seen live and the biggest of my life.
Species: Largemouth Bass
Date Caught: 05/05/2013
Kept / Released: Released
Region of Catch: Region 1
Length: 24.25
Weight: 9
Lure / Bait used: Lure | Brown and orange Rebel craw