June 17, 2013
Blake Mohr
Wall Lake IA
Although it was raining pretty steadily and showing no signs of letting up, a friend and I decided to don the rain gear and head out onto a local gravel pit in search of panfish. We'd had success in previous years trolling a south facing bay for a mixed bag of bluegills, crappies, perch, and yellow bass. After a couple of hours with just a few small bass and bluegills, we finally got into a concentration of crappies. We threw out a marker buoy, anchored down and started pitching jigs with plastics. Within a few casts, I hooked onto a big fish, at least big by ultralight tackle standards. Once it got to the boat, I knew it was a huge crappie. I lifted her into the boat, took a quick picture and measurement and immediately released her. It measured out to 15.5". My personal best black crappie to date. Going out in the rain paid off afterall!
Species: Crappie (Black or White)
Date Caught: 06/08/2013
Kept / Released: Released
Region of Catch: Region 1
Length: 15.5"
Lure / Bait used: Lure | Chartreuse jig/white plastic - 1/16 oz Roadrunner jig/creature plastic